Category Archives: Magento

How to build a hello world module for Magento

Create your first “Hello World” magento module with the following steps.

  1. Create a folder structure for your module:
    • app/code/local/{ModuleNamespace},
    • app/code/local/{ModuleNamespace}/{ModuleName}
    • app/code/local/{ModuleNamespace}/{ModuleName}/etc
    • app/code/local/{ModuleNamespace}/{ModuleName}/controllers
  2. Configure your module: create a config.xml file in app/code/local/{ModuleNamespace}/{ModuleName}/etc/ directory
  3. Create a controller file IndexController.php in your controllers directory
  4. Activate your module: create a {ModuleNamespace}_{ModuleName}.xml file in app/etc/modules/
  5. Clear the Magento cache
  6. Visit

Right now, we will explore these steps in details:

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