Create your first “Hello World” magento module with the following steps.
- Create a folder structure for your module:
- app/code/local/{ModuleNamespace},
- app/code/local/{ModuleNamespace}/{ModuleName}
- app/code/local/{ModuleNamespace}/{ModuleName}/etc
- app/code/local/{ModuleNamespace}/{ModuleName}/controllers
- Configure your module: create a config.xml file in app/code/local/{ModuleNamespace}/{ModuleName}/etc/ directory
- Create a controller file IndexController.php in your controllers directory
- Activate your module: create a {ModuleNamespace}_{ModuleName}.xml file in app/etc/modules/
- Clear the Magento cache
- Visit
Right now, we will explore these steps in details:
1) First, create a module’s folder structure:
- app/code/local/Wdevelop,
- app/code/local/Wdevelop/HelloWorld
- app/code/local/Wdevelop/HelloWorld/etc
- app/code/local/Wdevelop/HelloWorld/controllers
2) Next, we’ll create the configuration file of the module: config.xml inside the folder app/code/local/Wdevelop/HelloWorld/etc
<?xml version="1.0"?> <config> <modules> <Wdevelop_HelloWorld> <!-- {ModuleNamespace}_{ModuleName} --> <version>0.1.0</version><!-- Module version --> </Wdevelop_HelloWorld> </modules> <frontend> <routers> <helloworld> <!-- {modulename} --> <use>standard</use> <!-- [standard|admin], we use standard because it's the frontend --> <args> <module>Wdevelop_HelloWorld</module> <!-- {ModuleNamespace}_{ModuleName} --> <frontName>helloworldurl</frontName> <!-- This is the URL of the module. i.e magento.local/helloworldurl will be the url of your module. --> </args> </helloworld> </routers> </frontend> </config>
3) Then, we will create the Controller file. So the method indexAction() will be called for following urls:
<?php /* class {ModuleNamespace}_{ModuleName}_{Controllername}Controller extends Mage_Core_Controller_Front_Action */ class Wdevelop_HelloWorld_IndexController extends Mage_Core_Controller_Front_Action { public function indexAction() { echo "Hello World"; } }
4) Last file we will create is Wdevelop_HelloWorld.xml in the location app/etc/modules/. We do it to inform Magento that our module exists
<?xml version="1.0"?> <config> <modules> <Wdevelop_HelloWorld> <!-- Company_ModuleName --> <active>true</active> <!-- Whether module is active --> <codePool>local</codePool> <!-- code pool location: app/code/local --> </Wdevelop_HelloWorld> </modules> </config>
5) Clear the Magento cache
Admin Panel > System > Cache Management > Flush Magento Cache
6) Ensure the HelloWorld page shows up
There is the the video tutorial:
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